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Statement of Philosophy

as amended August 2018

  1. The philosophy of The Society of Augustans was established by the Founder and may be modified only by evolutionary means.
  2. No other group or activity may take precedence over the Augustan Society and its endeavors.
  3. The goals of the Augustan Society are stated in our Mission, and should be accomplished in an orderly fashion and in a spirit of chivalry.
  4. At all times, the motivations and actions of the members are subordinate to the goals of the Society.
  5. Financial programs or appeals authorized by the Board should be financially supported by all members of the Board (to the extent of their pro rata share), insofar as personal circumstances permit.
  6. Members elected to the Board should serve as role models for the general membership.
  7. Board members should be conversant with the history and programs of the Society. When asked “What does Augustan mean?” they should be able to respond with some intelligent answer.
  8. Junior Officers of the Augustan Society will be held to the same standards of behavior and participation as Directors, save for financial contributions.

This page is maintained by the Webmaster in consultation with the Eagle Council. Last modified 10 September 2021.