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Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the governing body of the Society. It is composed of seven Directors elected annually by the membership for staggered terms of three years.

Each year, the Board elects the five senior officers from the Board, and any junior officers from the membership.

In addition to the By-Laws, the Board is also governed by the Standing Rules. For more general guidance, members and officers are directed to the Statement of Philosophy.

Operating Year:

August 2023 – August 2024

Elected Officers
Chairman & President, exp. 2024:  Rod Fleck, FAS
Vice-President, exp. 2026:  Dr. Vance Whippo
Secretary, exp. 2026:  Baroness Jessica Hartwell, OAE, LMR
Treasurer, exp. 2024:  Daniel Rodgers, FAS
Director, exp. 2024:  Mr. Dustin Ashley, FAS
Director, exp. 2025:  Maj. José Sánchez, DCPP

A list of administrative committees and their members are here.

Updated 21 December 2023. bam