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Membership in The Augustan Society

Information about:

For more information, contact Headquarters.

Who are the Augustans?

We are, primarily, a group of scholars in the fields of traditional studies — chivalry, genealogy, heraldry, royalty & nobility, and history up to 1700 AD. We are not all professionals, fewer than half of us work in academia or research, the amateur researcher is encouraged and welcomed.

We are also those who are willing to share the fruits of our researches with others. The primary means for sharing is through our journal, The Augustan Omnibus. Published under various titles for over fifty years, it is well respected, and is one of the few that combine the various subjects listed above, exploring the intersection of genealogy and royalty, knighthood and heraldry, and history with each. This is what distinguishes the Omnibus from similar publications, and this interdisciplinary approach is one of the things that distinguishes the Society as a whole.

Members have also made a promise to uphold the traditions of chivalry and to promote chivalric ideals in society. This brings our historical efforts full circle and shows how they apply to civil society today.

What are the qualifications for membership?

At their simplest, payment of dues and entrance fees, a promise to uphold the traditions of chivalry and support chivalric ideals in society, and practicing civil behavior.

Nobility is not required, though nobles are certainly welcomed. Knowledge of your ancestry is not required, but we will help you research yours. Knighthood is not required, though we have special programs for knights, dames, and those who wish to become one. A coat-of-arms is not required, but we can help you design and register one (or in armigerous nations, assist you in obtaining government registration). Expertise is not required; we will help you to gain it.

Yes, we do ask questions about such skills and interests, both directly and through surveys. It is an effort to get to know you better and to match you with other members working in the same field — it is not used as a means of “filtering” potential members. Membership is open to all.

What is the cost of membership?

Members agree to pay annual dues, which include a subscription to our journal, and to pay assessments made by the Board of Directors. Dues are presently $100/year, and benefits include a free subscription to our journal, The Augustan Omnibus, and to our members' newsletter, Augustæum.

But is that all? Members are also asked to support the journal with articles, reviews, and letters. Members also agree to help other members with their researches. Other appeals for donations may be made. And of course our Board, Chairmen, and Committee Members must be drawn from the ranks of member volunteers. So what is required is small, but what is expected is somewhat larger.

But consider too what you receive: our scholarly journal, access to our Library, the support of your fellow members in your own researches, assistance with registrations of arms, introductions to orders of chivalry, referrals to libraries and other resources, discounts on products and services, and of course the satisfaction of being a member of a prestigious society that is contributing to this field of scholarship.

This page maintained by the Webmaster in consultation with the Membership Chairman. Last modified 11 October 2021.