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Heraldry Index Study Group

This project began as an effort to record the citations and blazons of all heraldic achievements published by The Augustan Society and related organizations, including The Augustan Society Roll of Arms. It has since expanded to include other American arms registries, including the New England Genealogic Historical Society's Committee on Heraldry, the American Heraldry Society, and others.

The work of this project involves reviewing back issues, obtaining missing blazons and translations, and coordinating efforts with other Registries. It will also provide support to the Online Armorial Project, which aims to put all Augustan Registered arms online, including an Online Ordinary.

Additional volunteers would be welcomed, please contact the Coordinator if interested.

Cdr. Nicholas Hoffmann, FAS

This page maintained by the Webmaster in consultation with the Coordinator. Last modified 10 September 2021.