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Heraldry Training Study Group

The Heraldry Training Study Group is charged with the composition and implementation of a heraldry training and qualification program for the Society. This program will offer elementary and advanced certificates in heraldry as well as recommend individuals for the title of Registered Heraldist (RH).

Once the program is established, the Study Group will administer all aspects of it, to include maintaining and revising curricula, grading exams and working with Society Headquarters to issue certificates of completion, assigning academic advisors for Registered Heraldist candidates, and evaluating RH candidate design and research projects.

Understandably, there will be significant overlap between the membership of this Study Group and the Society’s Heraldry Committee, but this group is set apart so the Committee can focus on processing arms registrations and other “regular” heraldic tasks. Others who may not have an interest in heraldic matters but who have an educational / academic background or are willing to help with general administration are welcome to join the Study Group.

Cdr. Nicholas A. Hoffmann, FAS
Bruce A. Metcalf, OAE, RH
Brady Brim-DeForest of Balvaird Castle, FAS
Lee A. Dorland, FAS

This page maintained by the Webmaster in consultation with the Coordinator. Last modified 8 March 2024. bam