Genealogy CommitteeThe main activity of the Genealogy Committee is to review, and recommend recognition to the Board where justified, all lineages submitted to the Society, most in support of memberships in various lineage societies, both within The Augustan Society and elsewhere. The fee for review is modest, at $4 per generation, but it should be understood that this is only for review and confirmation; additional research, and lineages resubmitted with corrections, will incur additional charges. Additional lineages that build on those already approved will be credited for the duplicated generations. The Committee also coordinates the placement of family histories on file; in archives for unpublished data, and in the Library for published information. Many members use this service as an emergency backup for their records. We recommend laser print on acid-free paper as the best long-term storage available, but we gladly accept CDs and DVDs, as well as other formats. The Society also has an ambitious reprint program in the field of genealogy, including Be-Ne-Lux, Colonial, Eastern & Central European, English, French, Germanic, Irish-American, Italian-American, Plymouth Colony, Scandanavian, Scottish-American, and Spanish-American genealogy, and reprints of back issues are available. All of these subject areas are today presented in the Society's Journal, The Augustan Omnibus. In addition to the genealogical publications, the Society maintains emigrant card files (presently in storage) and will make referrals to professional researchers. Committee staff:
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