The Noble Company of the RoseAimsThe Noble Company of the Rose exists to foster the true ideals of chivalry. Members fulfill their duties to their fellow men through an active practice of the Code of Chivalry and by individual and concerted charitable activities. Note: This group is not an order of chivalry, nor should any claim to such be countenanced. Officers
The Charter and Rule of the CompanyMembersAdmission to the Noble Company is restricted to members of The Augustan Society who have registered their arms with the Society, are a recognized member with the rank of knight in a recognized Order of Chivalry, the Society of the Cincinnati, or the Order of the Augustan Eagle, and who hold a Fellowship in The Augustan Society. Membership is by invitation only, and any member may nominate a candidate for consideration. Those who desire an invitation but are not acquainted with a member are invited to contact the Magister Rosae. This page maintained by the Webmaster in consultation with the Magister Rosae. Last revised 31 October 2023. |