Standing Rules of the Board of Directors as amended November 2021 - A primary obligation of the members of the Board is to recruit members, to “talk up” the Society among friends; and to serve as recruiting ambassadors among other groups of which they are members.
- Board meetings are restricted to Society members. Non-members must receive prior approval from the Board.
- All officers, directors, committee chairmen, deans, and coordinators are expected to perform the functions of the office to which they are elected or appointed or surrender their office. Upon leaving office, they are expected to convey to their replacement (or if none, to their superior) all materials relating to their office, both physical and digital. The Society will reimburse associated shipping costs.
- Members of the Board absent from two (2) consecutive meetings of the Board without proxy or permission, or from ten (10) consecutive meetings with or without proxy, will be considered as having resigned from the Board.
- Members of the Board of Directors who report no time or expenses for twelve consecutive months shall be considered as having resigned from the Board.
- Directors, Officers, Committee chairmen, Deans, and Coordinators are expected to give annual reports to the Board of the activities which they oversee.
- Directors wishing to have an action item placed on the agenda should inform Headquarters in writing at least four (4) calendar days prior to the meeting; minor items requiring no action may be added to the agenda up to 24 hours before the time of the meeting.
- Directors wishing to have physical items distributed to their fellow directors must forward such to Headquarters for distribution. If possible this shipment should coincide with some other mailing to minimize postage.
This page maintained by the Webmaster at the direction of the Board of Directors. Last modified 20 November 2021.