The Society of Descendants of the ConquestThe Society of Descendants of the Conquest (SDC) is a lineage group pendant to The Augustan Society. It was originally two separate groups: The “Order of Descendants of the Conqueror” and the “Order of Descendants of the Conqueror's Companions”. These are now merged, as it has been found that nearly all who qualify for one also qualify for the other. The purpose of the society is to honor the memory and accomplishments of William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy and King of England, and his companions in the Conquest, as well as to gather together persons of Norman royal and noble ancestry, preserving their genealogical records, and focusing on the study of the history of England and Normandy in the 11th Century. The two original groups were both founded on 9 September 1980. Membership is available in two classes:
Applicants are required to submit a fully documented genealogy along with the entry and genealogist's fees. GED files are preferred, but not required. Further details on the petition. The entry fee is $100 for one or two classes at once; $50 for adding a class later; plus a Genealogist Fee of $4/generation for each lineage submitted, including corrections and extensions. Society credit will be granted for portions of well-accepted lineages that are documented on Wikipedia or were previously approved by the Society. Those applicants who are approved will receive a membership certificate and the lapel pin insignia, which may be worn on the lapel or on the ribbon of membership of The Augustan Society, for those who are members. The arms of the society are shown above. The insignia shows only the inescutcheon from the arms. In addition, the genealogies submitted by members may be published from time to time by the Society and in proposed lineage books.
The Webmaster maintains these pages in consultation with the Dean of the SDC. Last modified 30 July 2024. cdb |