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Heraldry Committee

The Heraldry Committee is responsible for most heraldic activities. Members are appointed by the Justiciar General.

Current members are:

Justiciar General (Chairman):
Cdr. Nicholas Hoffmann, FAS
Vice-Justiciar General (Vice-Chairman):
Steven Dieter
Vice-Justiciar for Canadian Heraldry:
Cdr. Nicholas Hoffmann, FAS
Vice-Justiciar for American Heraldry:
Bruce A. Metcalf, RH
Vice-Justiciar for Scottish Heraldry:
Dustin Ashley
Vice-Justiciar for English Heraldry:
Brady Brim-DeForest, FSA (Scot), FRAI
Luke Michael Ironside
Vice-Justiciar for Spanish Heraldry:
Maj. José E. Sánchez, USAF (Ret), DCPS
Ernesto Anaya
Vice-Justiciar for Ecclesiastical Heraldry
Colton de los Santos
Vice-Justiciar for Maltese Heraldry
James Howard II
Member at Large
Jeffrey King
Heraldic Artists



This page is maintained by the Webmaster in consultation with the Justiciar General. Last modified 17 July 2024. cdb