Heraldic Activities of the SocietyHeraldry has long been one of the Society's most exciting and decorative programs. Activities organized under the Heraldry Committee include operating the second-oldest arms registration office in the United States and, at present, the only such registry that will recognize noble and royal additaments. Other programs are described below, and still more are under development. Heraldry CommitteeThe Heraldry Committee conducts most heraldic operations of the Society. It comprises a Justiciar General (Chairman), Assistant Justiciar General, Vice-Justiciars for various jurisdictions, Heraldic Artists, and Members at Large. The Justiciar General appoints members, and those interested in heraldry are encouraged to apply. Expertise in heraldry is not required, though obviously helpful, as this is also a learning environment. Registration of ArmsThe Heraldry Committee reviews petitions for the registration of arms. It includes experts on various national heraldic laws and traditions, plus heraldic artists. Arms registration, for both Augustans and non-members, is conducted by carefully reviewing and creating fresh artwork. The results include the registration itself, an illuminated Certificate of Registration, publication in the Online Armorial, and the printed Augustan Society Roll of Arms, the fourth volume of which is now in preparation. Those wishing to register may submit a Petition for Registration. The Augustan Society Roll of ArmsBegun in 1967, the series has been published in three volumes to date, with another in the works. The first three are long out of print, but there are plans to reprint them with the arms in full color. The Online Armorial and Ordinary Study GroupThis Study Group will post online all of the arms registrations granted by the Society since 1967. Progress is slow due to the need to scan and color the arms; in many cases, translations are also needed. They will also create an Ordinary of Arms, permitting researchers to look up who might have a claim to any given shield. The Webmaster maintains this page in consultation with the Justiciar General. Updated 9 Sept 2022 cdb |